Prof. Duckworth
Jay boasts over 36 years’ experience in LORT & Off-Broadways theatre, independent films, TV, music videos and over 65 off Broadway shows credit his name as a Props Master and Props Designer. The roll call of shows for which he has created original work, starts in Classic Greek Theater, re-imagined Shakespeare plays as well as being part of the artistic team that created musicals including Hamilton, Fun Home, Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson and so many more at his decade residency at The Public Theater. As well as being a writer for Stage Directions Magazine, he is the Head of Properties at Colorado State University. He has been the Keynote Speaker for The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival and the United States Institute of Theater Technology, curating USITT's very first Prop Lab in 2018.

A rare gem of the American theater. If you're lucky enough to get him hold on to him tightly.
Arthur Laurents
A Props Shaman!
Lin-Manuel Miranda
He has my respect as an Artist and a man of theater.
Christopher Durang
Brilliant Props Master.
John Lithgow

Never has a Props master given so much
to the dramaturgical influence of a show!
Adam Rapp
Please stop contacting Mr. Sondheim for a quote for your website.